Author: SorehMilchtein


Bizarre Things About the Dutch That Foreigners Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around

No matter how long you’ve lived in the Netherlands, if you’re a foreigner, you’ll understand this. There are some things about the Dutch that will never make sense to us. This feeling doesn’t change ever, not even when you get a Dutch passport. A lot of these things are strange but also interesting. It’s a […]


7 Ways Businesses Can Get More Exposure and Reach New Customers

In the world of instant gratification and platforms that offer services for super cheap, it’s often challenging to stay competitive and reach new customers. It’s also extremely important to keep your current customers coming back for your products or services. Being relevant and relatable can often be tough, but it is possible. Gaining more exposure […]


My Reaction to Netflix’s New Show, My Unorthodox Life, As a Former Ultra-Orthodox Jew

Netflix released a new reality TV series recently called My Unorthodox Life. The show follows Julia Haart, who used to be Julia Hendler, around. She grew up religious in a sect of Judaism called Yeshivish. For years, she lived in upstate New York in the hamlet named Monsey with her husband and kids. In her […]


Going Home for the First Time in A Long Time? This Was Written for You.

Living abroad or living in a different place than where you grew up can be extremely rewarding. You get to learn about different cultures, tastes unique foods, have new experiences, make new friends and a lot more. But living away from your hometown can also be quite challenging, especially during a pandemic. Many of us […]

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