The Delicious Simple Smoothie Bowl

The temperature is getting warmer and the sun is getting brighter, and that calls for the smoothie bowl breakfast. It’s a flavorful pop to my morning. This is my version of it based on what I have in my home now, but feel free to substitute any ingredients for ones that you have on hand.

  1. Frozen Strawberries
  2. Frozen Blueberries
  3. Frozen Raspberries
  4. Frozen Bananas
  5. Chia Seeds
  6. Pumpkin Seeds
  7. Soy Milk (I frequently substitute this for almond or coconut milks)

Always first pour the milk into the blender. Add the chia seeds & banana. I like to put the strawberries, blueberries and raspberries into a glass before adding them into the blender so I don’t use too much fruit. The glass should just be full. Blend everything and add milk as needed throughout the blending.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and add pumpkin seeds as to your liking.

Get out a spoon and savor in the incredible flavors of nature.